After yesterday's rain, today dawned clear and bright...so here is some California sunshine for you. Come along with me to a great place to walk on a day like this!

Don't forget your sun hat, and your walking shoes....

You might need a life vest if you are planning to go out rafting....I'll wait for you on shore.

There are plenty of ways to entertain yourself...or scare yourself silly...you go right ahead, but I'll wait for you down here on solid ground!

When we tire of walking, let's hop on the train around the park and scout out the prettiest places to photograph flowers.

Because they are simply gorgeous today, glowing in this beautiful sunshine.
See, didn't I tell you it's a great place to walk. And we did four miles in three hours...I guess we were walking kinda slow! But it sure was fun.
Great post and a very clever reflection without showing the camera. I had to enlarge it to see where the camera was. Tricky lady. It does look a beautiful place to walk.
What a fun and beautiful walk!I'm guessing Disneyland?!
My favorite photo is the one of the ferris wheel reflected in the water! bottom right of that collage
Love seeing your reflection too!
Hi Cindy and Hayley,
I would love to try your walking/creatively fit group. nicholsandco@frontiernet.net
I will look forward to hearing from you soon!
To be honest - I am more taken by the blue sky. BLUE!!! I havent seen that in WEEKS. THanks for sharing it.
Sara, I can feel the sunshine!! Excellent post. Bright and wonderful photos too!! I'm so glad you are keeping up with your walking and posting. I promise to post soon!!
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