Today's walk was at the indoor mall.

I did a bit of experimenting with self-portraiture, just to see what would happen.

When I got tired of photographing my own reflection (which didn't take long!) I decided that this reflection was much more interesting.

And, after a brisk walk four times around the mall (about four miles) it was time to slow down so I visited the One Dollar Bookstore and perused the shelves for quite a while, coming away with three books. The first one is a travel narrative about Greece, circa 1964, with charming drawings throughout; the second is a novel about Jerusalem. I started it this afternoon and am very pleased with my selection. And finally, a collection of Colette's stories. Colette was an interesting woman with quite a varied life whose writing has always intrigued me, although I have to admit I've only read her autobiographical pieces. It is the beauty of surroundings, the scents of flowers, the sweetness of fruit, the softness of a cat's fur, the glow of lamp light...she evokes pictures in my mind whenever I read her.
So, the rains are coming again to Southern California, but I've got plenty to read!
You walk such a long way. You must be fit in your body and fit in your mind after getting bargain books to read. She sounds a good author too. Love your reflections.Very creative.
Hi Sara
I love yr self portrait. Nice texture and reflection... but I'm curious how you took the pic... Did you use a tripod?
Love Colette too and your self portrait came out quite nicely. Thanks for sharing
Great place to walk! Mall, camera, walking, and a $1 bookstore...Heaven!
Love your self portrait!! And the next picture, very creative! It looks like you had a nice visit to the book store also!!
I look forward to seeing your next walk!
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