This is real Florida beauty! The Springs!

We took Lucy with us! It was fun, except for her throwing up in the car to and from:( This made my little one sick, so he threw up too! Good times! Lucy made some new friends but nothing beats a man and his dog.:)

As usual, Lucy wanted to play with the squirrels. But the squirrels weren't buying it.

The kids found this great hollowed out tree to climb on. Lucy even got into the act! I couldn't resist taking a few pictures. Hayley, you would have had a ball with this one!

But I must admit, the real reason we decided to walk at Blue Springs today was for these lovely creatures! They come into the spring this time of year because the water in the river is too cold. The Springs are 72 degrees year round. Today the park rangers counted 88 manatees (sometimes referred to as sea cows)

I hope you enjoyed my Creatively fit walk today. It was not a strenuous workout, more creative than fit. However, I believe any walking is better than no walking. Tomorrow, if I'm not subbing, it's back to the treadmill.
I hope everyone had a great weekend!
I'm linking this post to Mosaic Monday over at Little Red House. You can find many more mosaics over there and if you browse around Creatively Fit you will find many mosaics from our teammate. If you'd like to join Creatively Fit just email me or Hayley and we'll set you up! You can also leave a comment here.
That looks like a lovely walk you had and it's certainly more entertaining than the old treadmill!!
Great mosaics.
What a fun place to walk, and how wonderful to see the manatees! Thanks for sharing at MM. :)
Fun Mosaics!!
Great shots and you are so clever with your photos. A lovely place to walk and seeing the manatees must be wonderful.
A nice walk Cindy. I've never seen sea cows before. Just had a quick read about them on wiki - fascinating creatures.
I love the manatees!!! They are such gentle creatures.
Oh, love the shot of the springs. Mom and Grandad grew up in FL and we used to love to go to Silver Springs. This reminds me of that. I just love to see images of what I consider Old FL. Really neat!
Those manatees are fascinating...a very different critter from anything over here on the West coast.
What great pic, particularly this hollow tree and Lucy.
Now I am longing for a dive! I'm missing the manatee!! Love the tree...yes, I am in awe. What a great walk. I can't wait to get back to discovering new places...For me, the furthest I have traveled this week and last is the YMCA...I am not sure they would be happy if I whipped out my camera. ;)
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