Dear All,
I am so very glad having found you and now becoming "creatively fit" across the pond, from Germany. Please bear with me, my English is seldom free of mistakes.
I am a sort of modern nomad and Ex-Expat currently being back in Germany after 6 years of Spain and 3 months Florida. Have to sort out some health issues and figure where the next leg of my life's journey will take me to. Till then I will walk Munich on old and new paths, getting reacquainted with some sights and discovering new...

Like this church. I never have been there before. Since my return to Munich I live in a neighborhood called "Au" - meadow. Well, right by the river and I can see the church on the other side of the river. Had to go there, right?

The figure adorns the bridge to cross the river. It is one of many bridges which somehow reminds me each and every time of this statement: "Never burn bridges, you might need to cross them later."

The river "Isar" formerly the lifeline for merchants into town now the place for recuperation and meditation. I love living close to the river.

It got a bit late for more and better pitures and there was a mass which I didnt want to disturb. One the way back home the intensity of colors I had to capture as well. To give flowers to you, for inviting me and following me through my future adventures in living in my own home country for once!

I will learn to make "medley of moments". Not yet so great in making collages. Too busy walking ;-))
I am so glad that you are joining us!
Your post is great, title and tags and all! Your English seems very good, to me.:)
Great pictures too!
I look forward to seeing more of Munich!
Welcome aboard!
Beautiful photos, and a lovely journey as well. I am so pleased that you are joining us. Your flowers are wonderful. Thank you!
I took many flower shots today as well. I made it my theme for the day...
My husband lived in Germany until he was 10 years old. He will enjoy your photos.
Again, welcome!
Welcome to our little Creatively Fit group. Your pictures are wonderful. I can't wait to see more of your walks and look forward to reading your posts.
Thanks for all your sweet welcome words. I am so very pleased being here with you. Walking across borders, languages and cultures. Have a great weekend. Paula
Paula I am so excited you joined creatively fit. I think it is amazing that we can see each others world through pictures. I am looking so forward to seeing you photos and following you throughout Germany.
Welcome aboard!
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