Today I decided to revisit a bike path from a few weeks ago. I started at a different location this time. Here are the pictures from the last walk, click here. Most of this path is shielded by trees. It was a wonderful walk, almost spiritual. In this first collection of pictures, you can see my shade covered path. It was so much prettier in person. I call this collect, the one-point perspective lesson. Remember that lesson from you seventh grade art class? Horizon line, vanishing point and all lines converge to meet at the vanishing point, creating the illusion of depth. Simple:)

I took a picture of the sun shining through this tree. Just by step over a half an inch, look at the difference in the size of the sun glaring through the trees!
There were little splashes of color here and there, but you had to look closely. Most were humble weeds. I fell in love with the purple plant. The house, in the sepia toned photo, looked so quaint, I had to click! The upper left photo is an example of a french curve in nature. After all isn't all good design inspired by nature?
You know you are really beginning to appreciate the simple things when mushrooms are an exciting find. What creatively fit walk would be complete without a few good mushrooms?!
These mushrooms looked like they were dusted with cocoa powder.

These little mushrooms were my favorite. I had to shoot them from various angles. I really like the monochromatic color scheme of these photos.

Today was a really good walk! Although I stopped briefly to connect with nature I also walked quickly for a good workout. My body and spirit felt very satisfied. I am so thankful for the simple things in life.
Did you have a good walk today?
I'd love to see it!
Love your "one point perspective" collage. So glad you didn't run into any pythons today.
LIke Florida people often think there is no autumn in California. It's just quieter and you have to know where to look to find it. Have a great weekend.
Quite a lesson, Cindy! I love your mushroom shot. We'll have to get our mushroom collage up soon. It appears to me that someone is walking in isolated areas...hmmm...
I can barely see the house in the sepia photo. Looks like a hide-a-way...
Yes I'm glad I didn't run into any slithery creatures!
Actually, this bike path has just enough of bikers, joggers, walkers to feel a part of civilization plus Markham Woods runs right along side this path. I snapped my photos during quiet moments when no one was passing or had just passed:)
Lucky you! I must find a place like that! I've worked myself up into a frenzy about people in isolated places--like at the field of trees.
By the way, I may be in your neck of the woods next week. Perhaps we should schedule a walk?!
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