Starting out... I took this one from my driveway.
At the end of my street looking back. We got some much-needed rain yesterday, and the grass seemed to return to green overnight.
I think these two pear trees have more pears than leaves!

I was briefly sidetracked by a yard sale. I got these two pretties for 50 cents! Fortunately I wasn't far from my house so I hurried back home for some change, and for this quick pic. October is my absolute favorite month!
I love this tree. I have photographed it before, but not posted it. The cat let me know today was the day to share!
My Southern Living Garden Book calls the Bradford pear "the South's most overplanted tree."
This little suncatcher just made me happy.
I would not have noticed this apparently dead tree between the green ones if it weren't for the cawing crows.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! :)
Hey Julie, My husband was going to walk with me this morning, but got home late from work and went right to bed. Shhh! but I'm glad he did. I like to listen to my music while I walk and feel guilty if I listen while walking with him. I love all your pictures, and really enjoy reading your posts.
Keep walking...I will post mine later!
Hi Julie,
I'm so glad you got some rain and a walk:). Your street looks so peaceful. Great pear trees. Do you get to pick them and have pears anytime you want?
Love your pumpkins. Walking on Saturday did have its bonuses:). I agree about October, it's a special month.
I absolutely love the photo of the weeping willow and cat!
Great pictures today!
I haven't walked today. May try to get in a late one.
Have a great day!
Thanks girls! Cindy, Sadly Bradford pears are only ornamental - they don't make pears. I would like them a lot more if they did!
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