On my way to the shop to buy the paper, I realized that I pass many varied letter boxes. I didn't have my camera but always have my phone. So I took these with my phone and although poor quality they have a bit of serendipity,creativity about them.

The bright morning sun shining on this white letterbox makes it look like an Avatar letterbox.

We often have water restrictions and these signs mean they are using a rainwater tank to water the garden otherwise you can get fined.
A newly constructed garden with the Bali influence. (I wonder what people thought when they spied me photographing letterboxes.
The first letterbox looks a bit ghostly :) in a nice way! Must be a nice neighbourhood - very creative letterboxes.
Nice theme! Ah yes, I've run into a few "people who had something to say" about my photography in the neighborhood. My advice--be careful waht you capture! I always avoid addresses, faces of those I do not know, or anything that is identifiable to the residential area. People get so paranoid. LOL
I love your mailboxes though. Each one is so unique.
Loving the mailbox theme! I think Hayley did one once too:)
The glow on the first one is beautiful! And the last one is very pretty. I wish I had a mailbox at my house. (We have those stupid community boxes like you would find in an apt complex-ugly!)
Have a wonderful day!
I'm really enjoying your walks!!
You do have some very unique mailboxes on your route to pick up the morning paper!
Love the theme. Really great shots. Thanks
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