How to be creatively fit at the gym? Well, today I started by going on the treadmill. 30 minutes, 2 miles, 200 calories burned. It's a start. Tomorrow I hope to do the treadmill again and add a few free weight exercises. That's the fit part. What to do about the creative part? I'm having camera issues so no pictures. And I think people might be a bit uncomfortable with me snapping pictures at the gym.
So.... here is a picture that I took of the outside of my gym during another Creatively fit walk. And here is my attempt at being creative with it.

I did the collage in Picasa and added the animated sticker, and rotated the colors in photobucket.

Here is another very creative use of treadmills. I wanted to embed it but it was disabled:(
Were you Fit today? Tell use about it Creatively!!:)
Wow, Cindy, I am still not very daring with Photoshop or Picasa. Have to give another try. Weather is here very bad and I am looking forward to many walks in Florida as per February 4!
Wow, do I so need to get back on the horse too!!
Wow! We can always count on you to be creative! I'm glad you are working out at the gym again...I think it's time to get my butt back there too! Now that Nicholas is potty trained, there's hope. He gets to go to the fun center!!
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