I have been so bad about walking lately. Decided to walk to the little neighborhood market this morning to pick up a few groceries.

There are still a few flowers blooming...but not many.

Walked by the neighborhood bulletin board. It's always fun to see what's going on.

Someone forgot to take in their slippers.

The little market does such a lovely job displaying their produce. This basket had a knitted lining. So very cool...and they have local produce which I always am happy about.

Such lush reds. How can one resist!
As always, Cynthia, beautiful photos. I love what you do with your iphone! You display them so picture perfect. Great walk! I'm so glad to have you back. I need the inspiration.
WOW,love your eye! And the beautiful way you display the pictures. Really love it. Hugs from Munich
Hayley - and it goes full circle because you all inspire me!
Wish I could walk to the market but I have to drive to all those places. I've ended up at the gym instead of walking most days. I am sending the following to all on my Reading List. Thanks ahead of time.
To those on my Reading List:
Please do me a favor. Would you go to my blog and “follow” me again? Because I changed my URL, I have lost many of my readers. I know you can still hunt me down, but this will make it ever so much easier on you. I will once again show up on your Reader and Blog Roll. I knew this would happen but needed to change to be more representative of who I am now. I think this is the best fix. Thanks for your time. If you have another solution, let me know! Thanky!!!!!
Love all of your pictures! The quality of your photos is so distinctly Cynthia!:) You find beauty in everyday things, the sign of a true artist!
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