I got into the car this morning, to drive my son to school, and put on the radio. Some mornings I listen to the news, this morning I needed to hear music. I was hoping it would lift my spirits. Well, that new song from the Black Eyed Peas came on, "Tonight's the Night". I started singing it to my son and replaced the word "tonight" with "today". It definitely lifted both of our spirits! After I dropped him off, I decided to drive to my gym! Was I really going to workout today!!? No Way!! I parked the car and started walking to the tune of "Tonight's the Night!" (in my head, no ipod) I walked right past the entrance of the gym :p and kept on walking. The picture in the upper left is the vacant store where we dream of opening our bagel shop.
Today's walk felt like a choreographed aerobic routine. I barely stopped. I clicked and twisted and turned and dropped and kept on going!!
Can you feel the energy?!! See the pink bus...See
Hayley's post for I heart faces this week!
And one and two and walk and click...Up, across and down again!
To City Hall and stretch and bend...(this was another possible location for our bagel shop)

The lizards are feeling it too!!

And three and four twist and drop ...walk...walk...click...click...

Beyond this tree and fountain is a little boy hard at work in his classroom! Yep, we're all working hard!!

I got a feeling...
That today's gonna be a good day!
That was intoxicating. Wow. I could feel your energy and spirit even over here on the other side of the pond.
Bagel shop? You dream of a bagel shop? You just won your first faithful customer. Guess you got the ideo of me loving bagels. It is a pelasure to slowy get to know you, by each click and walk. Hugs
"I Gotta Feeling" would have to be my number one favorite song EVER! Of course, it used to be "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" by Cindy Lauper, so some may say my taste is music is rather odd. ;)
I love your "workout" progression. You obviously had a very good fitness walk today!
Is that a train in your shot? I really want to get a train track walk in (not on, but around). I think tracks, trains, and such would make great photos.
I hope you have a great walk today. Now that song is back in my head!!!
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