Join the Fun!

Today is a new day! It is time to get away from the computer, put on those walking shoes, get out, get fit and be creative! How is walking a creative activity? Well, pick up your camera, take it with you and start clicking away! You will be amazed by all the interesting and wonderful things you will discover, on your ordinary walk, around your once familiar neighborhood.

Become a Creatively Fit Teammate!

Creatively Fit is a fitness/photography blog designed to motivate blogger/photographers to get in shape. Each day, participants from across the globe are encouraged to walk, click, and connect with others who are grabbing their walking shoes and their cameras in an effort to stay creative and fit.

The task is simple. Leave a comment on a post, stating that you would like to join, and include your email address. You will receive an invitation to join the team. The assignment:

1. Walk 30-60 minutes each day (3-5 days per week). Work within your fitness level. Set a time limit that you are comfortable with (10, 15, 20 minutes). It's all about having fun and getting moving. Creativity and Fitness are bonuses!!
2. Click - Take photos of your journey.
Everything and anything goes, but we like creativity.
3. Connect - Post your name, state or country, time of walk, and 4 or 5 photos to the Creatively Fit blog.
4. Encourage one another with your comments and posts. Comments help to motivate one another into getting out there and sharing some more!
5. That’s it!

Our goal is to motivate and inspire one another as we unite together on our journey to creative fitness!! We are so glad you stopped by!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Stephanie Lake Mary FL

These pictures are from yesterday's walk. I walked from 9:00 to 10:20 am. I ventured out of the neighborhood and walked 2.2 miles along a path surrounded by lots of foliage. 2 pictures in this college are not from my walk. Before my walk I needed to take Douglas to physical therapy. The receptionist asked Douglas if he wanted to see a woodpecker. We went in the office and there he was pecking on the side of the building. Once he saw us he flew onto a branch and I was able to take a picture. There is a glare from the window, but you can see him in the top right corner. The other photo not from my walk, is the center left photo. I was dropping Douglas off at school and there were the Jurassic Park birds pecking at the ground.
The rest of these pictures are just random photo's from the walk. It was a real nice path, not very colorful, but very peaceful. I saw many walkers and bike riders. The lake had a boat house and lots of lilly pads. I found a large bush with heart shaped leaves, and I thought of you Haley. The path looked never ending but wasn't too bad.
I did go out walking today, but it was very early and was still dark out. I did not bring my camera, cause I still had so much to share from Leu Gardens and yesterday's walk.

Happy walking everyone...

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Paula said...

You seem to be an early bird??? I do love your pic's particularly your Jurassic Park :-))
Everyone pictures are such a miracle to me,always searching on google, where exactly you guys are out and about. Hope you have agreat day. Hugs across the pond

Capturing Sunshine said...

Lovely, Stephanie! What a fun woodpecker-surprise! I am in love with the lilypad/flower shot. I would have been all over that one. Excellent captures and walking yesterday!

ch said...

I'm glad you got a good walk in today! I've got a few more locations in mind. Wish you could have come with us today. Next time.
Great pictures. My favorites are the mushroom and the two lily pad pictures!