A friendship of mine needed "service" too as I was asked to please, please walk along the parade (please, NO) and join in for the octoberfest. Octoberfest is for me the fifth season in Munich and if I cant go out of town at least I like to be in another universe!
Anway I gave in and watched the parade and then followed it through town to the octoberfest. Ummm, 2h watching whilst I am neither a true Bavarian by blood nor a dedicated tourist! That was hard going for me! Lots of walking and not always easy in this crowd!
Anyway I thought it might be a good idea to share the colors of today with you.
The parade is represents many of the Bavarian villages, regions of groups all of them in traditional customes; as well as all the horse carriage which used to carry the wooden beer barrel in former times. All customes are measure made and most of them are handmade too. This includes the leather for the men's lederhosn. The coins shown on the chests present the wealth of the family, the coins are genuine, highly valuable and handed down over centuries. The flowers on the bosoms are supposed to give an optical illusion ;-)) The aprons bound right mean the woman is married, left she is available and at the back she is widowed. Well, rest of it I have forgotten.

Anyway I walked down to the octoberfest, joining the crowd. Lost the friend there within minutes...

The huge carriage horses are extremely patient and on duty twice a year: for the opening of the festival and on the day of the parade. Thats it!

Would be great to hand all of you one of the Bavarian hearts with love.
And no, I didnt drink beer ;-))
Thank You for sharing Oktoberfest with us. I truly enjoyed all the photo's. What a treat!
Your pictures are fantastic! I feel as if I was there. And the education I'm getting!
Thank you so much for sharing:)
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