This morning I went for a walk as soon as I got home from taking my older son, Riley, to Kindergarten. Today was his second day, and for the second time his teacher had to hold him back as I left. I suppose a minor improvement was made in that today's crying was more muted, whereas the first day's crying was hysterical. (I mean
him...) So it was with a heavy heart that I set out around the neighborhood with Donovan, and I didn't know what I would find to take pictures of.

It felt really strange to push just one child in my double stroller.

Even though I almost never see anyone on this playground, it still seemed extra-empty.
Then when I saw the tree below, I knew what I wanted to look for: things that Riley would think are funny. The tree trunk looks dead, yet it has that one hearty branch sticking out like it's raising its arm and saying "I'm still here!" The cone looks like it just gave up, doesn't it? I think the chimpanzee bird feeder used to hang up, but now it's sitting in the shade in an awkward position. I'm certain I've never seen a pennant nailed to a tree before, but they have the right team so it's all right. ;) My favorite, though, is the mailbox held together with duct tape. I don't live far from the bustling downtown of a city, but there's no doubt this is a country road.

This house was funny for two reasons. The window with the missing shutters first got my attention, and if it hadn't, I might not have noticed the red Frisbee stuck in the gutter! Riley would have thought that was hilarious!

I was a little more happy and a lot more sweaty when I pushed back up my driveway. Riley is supposed to ride the bus home today and he is extremely afraid. He is shy of strangers and terrified of the unknown. Please say a little prayer for him! Thanks!
Julie! What a wonderful theme you had today. I absolutely adore how you captured the quirky and shared it with us. You gave life and personality to each object in your photos. It felt good to feel sorry for each thing, and it was as if each sadness for it, lifted from myself.
I saw Riley's photo on your blog yesterday. He didn't look like his first day was too bad! I will keep him in my prayers.
I know how heart wrenching it is when your little one has separation anxiety. I experienced that with my older one. They would tell me that the minute I left he was fine. And that he had me wrapped around his little finger (he still does:)).
I love your very lonely playground picture. It is very dramatic. I love the composition, the way the path winds to the left, the stark silhouette of the playground and the striking sunburst. But I think what makes it so striking is that there is not a single tree!
Great stories for next collage. I love the well-worn theme. The chimpanzee is very funny!
Thanks for the suggestion of changing the comment format. It does work better:)
That one with the house is so funny!
And the monkey!
Sounds like a great walk and the collage is cool!
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