Before we got started we had to check out this bank at the trail head. There were dozens and dozens of at least 4 different kinds of waterfowl all hanging out together.

The dappled light on the trail made it unexpectedly hard to get pictures in focus (to flash or not to flash?), but it made pretty shadows.
We saw various flora (including my personal favorite, sassafras trees, and what Riley called "talking trees" - ones that appear to have faces in their bark!)...

...and fauna (if you look really closely at the lower turtle picture you'll see that I also caught 2 dragonflies in the photo! One is a blur in flight, but it still counts!).

I also let Riley take some photos. He must belong in this group, because he really likes taking pictures of trees.

Last but not least... Riley making a smile like the "talking tree" behind him. :)
Wow, what beautiful photos! Sounds like a awesome outing and workout! WOOHOO!
Great post, Julie! Riley is a doll! Tell him, "Great Smile!" Yay turtle pictures! I'm all about the turtle shots! I will count the dragonfly shot...this time! Next time, however, I would like for it to smile and say cheese for you! I better get my shots up. I walked this morning, but the day has been go go go! Just now having time to sit down.
See you tomorrow?!
So many wonderful pictures! Isn't it amazing how things that were once ignored have now become amazing picture opportunities!?
I love your berry picture, turtle picture, dragonfly, ducks, they're all great! And Riley's picture of the tree with the yellow flowers is beautiful. He's definitely a part of the group. I think my Noah also wants in-haha:)
I'm glad you had a great walk today! Lots of inspiration here!
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