After we went our separate ways, I continued my walk. I took the usual snapshots of trees, shadows, pathways...
Then something startled me... It was an armadillo in the grass, too close for comfort! I had never been that close to an armadillo before. I was afraid it would run up my leg or something. After the shock wore off...

and upon closer inspection, I realized it wasn't moving, yes it was dead. It wasn't bloody or injured just...dead. I'm not sure what that white thing on the back was. It must not have been dead long because there was no smell. Maybe he was sleeping. I like that story better. He was sleeping:)
After my encounter with the sleeping armadillo I continued on to the bike path. I found some lovely flowers along the way.

I hope everybody had a great day and got in a walk:)!
I'm so glad you were able to get a walk in. sorry about the armadillo. How dumb do I feel, I didn't even know that they were in Florida! :-)
Wow...check out the new design. I love it!
I'm hoping to get to my walk in this evening. I have one walk from yesterday I hope to get in too. See you on the trail!
Lisa from PA.
Wasn't the grooms cake on Steel Magnolias an armadillo? Don't think I've ever seen one. Are they big? Are they dangerous? What adventures you all have on your walks. Love the "walk away" picture of your son.
What a sneaky mommy you are! Don't you know that Mommy taking pictures of middle schoolers on the first day is the ultimate no-no? Why didn't you just lick your hand and slick back his hair while you were at it?? Just kidding! I love the shot, and I know I would have done the same.
Wish me luck with my walk tomorrow. As you probably know, I will be avoiding the schools as much as I possibly can. Perhaps Nicholas and I will find someplace new to explore.
PS - I like your "resting" armadillo, or as Nicholas calls "di-yo" when he reads his "Not the Hippopotamus" book.
Aww cool! Armadillo! I do hope he was just sleeping too.
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