Join the Fun!

Today is a new day! It is time to get away from the computer, put on those walking shoes, get out, get fit and be creative! How is walking a creative activity? Well, pick up your camera, take it with you and start clicking away! You will be amazed by all the interesting and wonderful things you will discover, on your ordinary walk, around your once familiar neighborhood.

Become a Creatively Fit Teammate!

Creatively Fit is a fitness/photography blog designed to motivate blogger/photographers to get in shape. Each day, participants from across the globe are encouraged to walk, click, and connect with others who are grabbing their walking shoes and their cameras in an effort to stay creative and fit.

The task is simple. Leave a comment on a post, stating that you would like to join, and include your email address. You will receive an invitation to join the team. The assignment:

1. Walk 30-60 minutes each day (3-5 days per week). Work within your fitness level. Set a time limit that you are comfortable with (10, 15, 20 minutes). It's all about having fun and getting moving. Creativity and Fitness are bonuses!!
2. Click - Take photos of your journey.
Everything and anything goes, but we like creativity.
3. Connect - Post your name, state or country, time of walk, and 4 or 5 photos to the Creatively Fit blog.
4. Encourage one another with your comments and posts. Comments help to motivate one another into getting out there and sharing some more!
5. That’s it!

Our goal is to motivate and inspire one another as we unite together on our journey to creative fitness!! We are so glad you stopped by!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cindy - Florida 7:30-8:30 AM

I woke up this morning and thought, "Where can I possibly walk today, that's different/interesting/new? I won't be able to get any new pictures. I've been doing this a whole week, I've taken pictures of everything I can think of out there." I thought "Cindy, what have you gotten yourself into? You hatched this hair brained scheme exactly one week ago today, now you've committed yourself. " So, I put on my shoes and walked out the door. Creatively fit Lesson #1 When you think you've walked everywhere and clicked everything that's when the real discovery and creativity begins!

Today I did find new places to walk, places that were right under my nose and focused on some new subjects, in some of the old places. I will be adding a tip #10 themes that we can focus on if we get stuck. I'm sure once you're out there you will find many themes on your own. If you can think of any new themes to add to the list, let me know and I will include them.

The theme above is architecture. I walked in a nearby subdivision with zero lot line homes. It was a little difficult snapping some of these pictures because the houses were so close to the sidewalk that I was afraid people would think I was spying on them with my camera. So, I had to be discreet. I found some interesting curves, shapes and shadows here. And because it's Sunday I thought I'd include this lovely church steeple (the church is right at the end of the road by my house. I past it when I left the neighborhood.)
Here are some pictures from Reflections Lake Park(not a new place.) The ducks were taking their morning walk too. Wouldn't it be funny if they had cameras around their necks?
Here are some random shots.

This is one of my favorite shots today. Do you think they are trying to keep people out of their home? Ouch!

If you'd like to join the Creatively Fit Team you can leave a comment here with your email address or email me at and I will send you an invitation to post your pictures.

I hope to see more pictures today!


Amy said...

What great pictures.

Love the tips on the side bar..

Capturing Sunshine said...

Great collages, Cindy! I love the footprint shot and the lantern in the haze. As you mentioned before, I would love to see these full-size.

I also love the way you pulled the architectural shots together. Very interesting. I think that would make a neat painting too...

Can you believe we are keeping at it? A week?! Who would have thought? I am already thinking about when the weather cools...

Julie Ball said...

These are so beautiful! :)