Become a Creatively Fit Teammate!
The task is simple. Leave a comment on a post, stating that you would like to join, and include your email address. You will receive an invitation to join the team. The assignment:
1. Walk 30-60 minutes each day (3-5 days per week). Work within your fitness level. Set a time limit that you are comfortable with (10, 15, 20 minutes). It's all about having fun and getting moving. Creativity and Fitness are bonuses!!
2. Click - Take photos of your journey.
Everything and anything goes, but we like creativity.
3. Connect - Post your name, state or country, time of walk, and 4 or 5 photos to the Creatively Fit blog.
4. Encourage one another with your comments and posts. Comments help to motivate one another into getting out there and sharing some more!
5. That’s it!
Our goal is to motivate and inspire one another as we unite together on our journey to creative fitness!! We are so glad you stopped by!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Cynthia - California Thursday, July 21st 12:15 - 1:00
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Beijing sights
On our first day in Beijing, we got to the heart of the city via train (the subway system is excellent), then decided to walk home. It was a great way to see the city, but as Beijing is a very very very large city, it took us 7 hours to reach our guesthouse!
There was so much to see, as one can imagine. The above is one of the most pleasant areas we passed. The steps to the shops remind me of Manhattan!
We stopped when we got tired. This photo was taken at a very nice shop with free wifi. There were many youngsters with their macs and PCs surfing the net. We sat around people watching…
Then we came across a street market.
We crossed a park, and there were lots of lights and activities.
We stopped to watch this sport (sorry about the quality of the photo… can’t do much with a point and shoot). It’s a little like beach volleyball… There were 4 players; 2 players on each side of the court.
The “ball” is an object made of feathers and rubber (maybe other materials too). I couldn’t get a photo, but see the drawing on the left. It will always land on its base, because the base is heavy.
The players kick the object over the net. If someone lets it fall, the other team gets a point. There were some amazing kicks and smashes.
I am glad to have seen this. When I was a kid growing up in Malaysia, my brothers used to play with this, and tried to kick it as many times as possible, without letting it fall. This is the first time I have seen it played in a competitive setting.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Paula, Munich, 1:00pm - 2:45pm
The field with all the wild flowers was so gorgeous and beautiful that I didnt dare walking into it. Turned completely into a kid again. Loved it!

Next station I learned how a squirrel figures that a marten is after it. The squirrel hears the tiniest noise a marten makes on the tree. Amazed how the tiny tiny noise multiplied over the length of the tree!
At a former block of glacier ice - melted over the last 11.000 years! - dragonflies were dancing in the gleaming sun light and the wooden boards explained exactly what was all about!

Oh, these three trees are so very wonderful. Being the pristine fruit trees of our ancestors! Back to hunter and collector times!! Left to right: pear, which then were smallish, round and rather white yellowish, cherry tree in the middle, small, slim tree and cherries will be very small with big pit and a apple tree! Never would have thought such tiny apples could be eaten!

Most fun. Chirping, giggling and all excited! I tried my luck barefeet on the sensory path, walking over sand, red soil, humus, wet stones, pine needles and branches.....loved it!

Wonderful day out. How was your day?
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Paula, Munich, 1pm - 3:30pm

Means this brewery is today the oldest brewery in the world and the law of purity for beer goes back to the monks here.

Hope you enjoyed this walk through history. Have a wonderful start into the new week! Heckschs...... ;-)))))
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Cindy Florida Sunday 2-5 The Beach Again:)
Another way of looking at CF is like a relay team. Think of it as passing the baton! It's all about motivating one another and encouraging each other to continue on. CF is a constant work in progress, just as we all are. I believe it will grow and evolve into whatever it is meant to be. It is still finding its way. Together we can turn it into something great!
So on to the walk...
It was a long walk to the beach and we took Lucy this time.
Lucy was not feeling the beach:( We tried to talk her into it...
Nope! She's a land lover!
So we joined her up in the dunes...
We did take a nice long walk along the beach and ran and jumped over tide pools, while Lucy chased the birds! It was a great walk and day!
I'm passing the baton!:)
Feel free to grab it!(we are always looking for new teammates too. If you are interested in joining just leave a comment here and let me know)
Happy walking!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Paula, Munich, 2pm - 3:30pm

As per next week I am allowed to do exercises again. Yet not being twenty anymore means I will have to do lots of exercises ;-))
However with this beautiful Spring and sunshine it is calling for exercises anyway, doesnt it?
Hope all of you are having a brilliant start into the week.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Afternoon Walk 3:00 to 4:00 1km
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Cindy Florida Sunday 2-5
My kids never met a skink they didn't like:)
We met a nice retired man,named Bob, who offered to take a family picture for us.
It was a great walk and a very happy birthday!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Cindy Florida Monday All day!
It's a great day to join Creatively Fit!
It's spring break this week so we decided to take a walk on the wild side!
Well, maybe not the wild side but this is the closest we could get to the wild side!
Each one of these lovely creatures capture the attention of my camera with his/her charming personality.
And these charming creatures always capture my attention!
Since I am not a ride person, it was a perfect opportunity for me to sneak in a creatively fit walk!
Maybe tomorrow, a walk on the beach:)
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